We offer 4 City Water Testing Kits
You collect the samples yourself and mail them to us or drop off at our lab.
Basic City Water Testing Kit
Our Basic City Water Testing Kit is great tool for identifying potential contamination from chemical impurities which could be present in municipal water supplies. This kit is ideal for residents of homes with an old plumbing system who want to determine the general quality of their water and for residents either purchasing or selling a house. This kit should be used to identify a variety of contaminants that are specifically important for young children, pregnant women and certain elderly people.
Additional Reasons to use the Basic City Water Testing Kit:
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Undesirable taste or odor, colored water
- Damage to water treatment equipment, pipes or plumbing
- Testing prior to a real estate transaction
Intermediate City Water Testing Kit
Our Intermediate City Water Testing Kit is build on our Basic package by adding an additional analysis for Disinfection Byproducts (Total Halomethanes and Haloacetic Acids). Municipal water supplies use water additives for the disinfection of public water systems. When naturally occurring matter reacts with these disinfectants, it forms Disinfection Byproducts. Water that contains Disinfection Byproducts in an excess amount can cause liver, kidney, central nervous system problems, as well as an increased risk of cancer. This kit is a valuable tool that should be used to periodically test a household’s municipal water supply.
Additional Reasons to use the Intermediate City Water Testing Kit:
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Undesirable taste or odor, colored water
- Water has a slippery feel, and/or soda taste
- Mineral buildup in piping
- Damage to water treatment equipment, pipes or plumbing
Advanced City Water Testing Kit
Our Advanced City Water Testing Kit is designed to give residents a more thorough diagnosis of their drinking water by adding an analysis for 54 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). These chemical contaminants are produced during the manufacturing and/or use of household products and materials. Homes located near gas stations, chemical factories, dumps, junkyards, dry-cleaning operations and other potential sources of pollution should use this kit as a baseline to determine their drinking water quality, as well as a way to monitor the condition of their drinking water.
Additional Reasons to use the Advanced City Water Testing Kit:
- Immune system problems
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Factories or gas stations nearby
- Undesirable taste or odor
- Damage to water treatment equipment, pipes or plumbing
Comprehensive City Water Testing Kit
Our Comprehensive City Water Testing Kit is is our most extensive package which builds on all the analyses from the previous kits by adding the analyses of 17 Pesticides. Pesticides can enter a water supply by discharge from industrial facilities or runoff from agricultural lands and may have significant impact on the health of the people. This kit should be used by people with homes located near active or historic agricultural lands and have concern about potential pesticides or fertilizers contamination.
Additional Reasons to use the Comprehensive City Water Testing Kit:
- Immune system problems
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Dump, junkyard, landfill, factory, gas station, or dry-cleaning operation nearby
- Undesirable taste or odor
- Corrosion of pipes, plumbing
- Colored water, mineral deposits